
Sunday, April 15, 2012

SLEEP Melatonin & REM


Sleep is so important in our life that as we grow older we tend to forget that. As babies we slept most of the day, have you ever wonder why? Probably not, because most of us know that babies need their rest because they are growing so fast. Well you never stop growing if you think about.... You continue to use your brain on a daily basis! It is important to rest not only our body it is important to rest our mind. This comes easier for some than others. Last night I had so much going through my head I couldn't seem to turn off my brain. Finally after trying so hard to fall asleep I finally just turned everything off and laid in the dark and was able to fall asleep. Our brain produces melatonin which is a chemical that helps us sleep. YOU need it to be dark in order for your brain to produce melatonin. "A hormone... is a chemical messenger that carries a signal from one cell to another"

It is important for all of us to know our bodies and try and give our body what it needs. Some people need more REM sleep than others. Your body and mind will let you know how much you need. If you are having some of the issues listed below and are not sure how much you need I suggest that you either try a sleep study to see if you are sleeping like you should, or seek medical attention.

Know what foods help you produce Melatonin click below for a helpful site.
"Melatonin is a hormone found naturally in the body. Melatonin used as medicine is usually made synthetically in a laboratory. It is most commonly available in pill form, but melatonin is also available in forms that can be placed in the cheek or under the tongue. This allows the melatonin to be absorbed directly into the body.
People use melatonin to adjust the body’s internal clock. It is used for jet lag, for adjusting sleep-wake cycles in people whose daily work schedule changes (shift-work disorder), and for helping blind people establish a day and night cycle.
Melatonin is also used for the inability to fall asleep (insomnia); delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS); insomnia associated with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); insomnia due to certain high blood pressure medications called beta-blockers; and sleep problems in children with developmental disorders including autism, cerebral palsy, and mental retardation. It is also used as a sleep aid after discontinuing the use of benzodiazepine drugs and to reduce the side effects of stopping smoking.
Some people use melatonin for Alzheimer’s disease, ringing in the ears, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia, migraine and other headaches, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bone loss (osteoporosis), a movement disorder called tardive dyskinesia (TD), epilepsy, as an anti-aging agent, for menopause, and for birth control."

Sleep is prompted by natural cycles of activity in the brain and consists of two basic states: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, which consists of Stages 1 through 4. During the deep stages of NREM sleep, the body repairs and regenerates tissues, builds bone and muscle, and appears to strengthen the immune system. As you get older, you sleep more lightly and get less deep sleep. Aging is also associated with shorter time spans of sleep, although studies show the amount of sleep needed doesn't appear to diminish with age. 

I hope you can find this of help as I know I did. Please always ask a Doctor or Medical Professional if you ever have questions about any of this. PLEASE never take something if you take prescription medications without asking your Pharmacist of Medical Professional first I was a Pharmacy Tech before I went on disability. Talk to you soon! Have a Great Sunday! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debbie, just found your blog. I need to read the whole thing. My father suffered for years with insomnia. His doc put him on a very low dose of seroquel. It's an antipsychotic, but he sleeps like a log now. He doen't have any mental issues, but has dementia due to massive amounts of TIA's. Just a thought to bring up with your doc if/when you get/got one!
