
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Going Outside OCD

Good morning.... or is it? I woke up and took the dogs to the back door so they would go outside; to do their thing, buuutttttt they didn't want to go outside- to cold - rainy- or who knows why they chose not to somedays. I guess they are a lot like me they just don't speak my language most of the time for me to understand. This would be true for me to say because even though I speak the same language as most people who I communicate with they seem to not understand a word I say. I would like to think that I have good communication skills, I was a leader in middle school and did my own thing in high school and even trained a lead others throughout my life before going on disablity.

I know my kids tell me that I should go back to work but I wonder if they lived in my head how they would feel about that. There are days I can't even leave my own room now a days. I become so panic stricten if I have to think about leaving that I can't even breath. So today I had to come up with my own defense weapon to go downstairs and I use this one a lot "B*TCHING" not at anyone inperticular just doing it in gengeral. It seems to side track the brain to do what I need to get done while I am there.

I know I listed some of the stuff that I suffer from but I did leave out some of it. I have been in several accidents in my life and seem to forget things. So if you have known me from some part in my life I sometimes need what I call triggers ( I am sure I got that from some medical source or person) to help me remember you even things we have done. This is so fustrating to me because I so want to know if maybe there was something I should be asamed of LOL...  But if you think about it sometimes this is a good thing. For example my husband and I might be having a fight or disagreement over who knows what when one of us turn our heads it is like we foret what we were even fighting or arguining over. This is also true when it comes to other people in my life. I would have to say this would be Gods gift to me!

So I hope to learn to be a Great Blogger and that it helps someone, even just one person would be great. Please feel free to give me feedback in the comment section. Oh yeah if I seem to go in all directions don't forget I am off of meds right now and that I do have Adult ADD. This can be a good thing or a bad thing, just depends on the day. Well I did say that I would be making sure that I help people understand stuff about what I suffer from and hope that it may help them understand it better. So today I will research about memory and OCD.  So I will be back later to give you some answers, who knows it just might help me too!

Have a Better Day than Me and talk at you soon! Oh yeah having a hard time breathing today due to some other medical issue, but I will deal with that later! ( I know that I did not spell everything correct, however when hitting the spell check it doesn't give me any missppelled words so please forgive me if I did)

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