
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Postpartum Depression, Baby Blues, Panic & Anxiety

Last night as laid there trying to fall asleep my brain just wouldn't shut off. I think when I have nights like that maybe I will start writing here and see if it helps me shut it off!

Today I woke and did the FB to see if I was needed LOL and did find that my Niece messaged me and was upset about how she has been feeling lately and how she just can't handle it anymore. I had to remind her that she did just have a baby, and her Hormones were getting the Best of Her. is a Great site for information on Female Hormones. Postpartum Depression, Postnatal Depression or AKA as "The Baby Blues" happens after you have a baby. The Baby Blues only lasts around 10 days after having your baby. If you experience that you are moody, cry for no reason, angry at the world, sleep, anxiety, hopeless, appetite is different or just out right sad you probably have postpartum depression.

 1 in 8 Suffer

You need to remember first off that it is a disease just like having a heart attack! The people around you should also understand this.They should be willing to help you and lend a hand to you as if you just got out of surgery! Once our friends and family understand and come to grips that it isn't just you being a Bitch then things will come easier for you and you will be able to take on the day a little bit easier.

When we understand what we have and that it is something that happens after being pregnant and having children, the maybe we can have a different perspective on how to handle it. Sometimes talking to someone who has gone through it will help, if you would rather you could also talk to a Therapist too. There are support group for this please check for a local one. Is a site that will help you find the support you need.

After having my first child I had my first anxiety attack! I remember it very well and don't think I could ever forget how it made me feel. It was raining very hard and I was standing on the porch of my parents home holding my baby, taking in the smell of the rain and enjoying the sound. As I stood there watching the rain come down and not having a care in the world LIGHTING struck at that moment my body felt as if I couldn't breath and I had no control of it, I just felt helpless. I went inside and called my OB because I needed answers! They let me know what had happened and because I was breast feeding they recommended a baby dose of Benadryl and you know what it helped. People think they need to take all of these drugs that make them "feel good" little do they know how addictive they are.

So I leave it at this for now...time to run some errands and see what comes of the day. Talk at you later and I hope this has helped!

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